Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Thing 15- Library 2.0

I read the Wikipedia article and the "Away from Icebergs" article about library 2.0. What I got from these articles is confirmation for what I have been learning about, and coming to believe from class. The librarian is no longer a woman who sits behind a counter and checks out books, or reads a picture book to kids every two weeks. Librarians today have to be 'digital natives'. We have to know how to get our patrons to the most accurate and effective information, that is most likely not in a book we have on our shelves. We have to positively impact our students' achievements by helping to teach them how to correctly find and evaluate information, when there is so much out there.

I also found the video, "A vision of students today" very powerful. It is so true, that so much of what I learned in the past is simply just 'book smarts', and have no bearing in the real world. As a 'Librarian 2.0' I am hoping to not do this with my students. It is one of my goals to not only help my patrons learn what they need to for class, but at the same time help them learn information retrieval skills and other skills that will benefit them outside of the classroom.


  1. You have pulled out some very important ideas behind the 21st century Library and Librarian. Don't forget that as much as you want to help your patrons/your students, look to them to help you learn as well! It is very much give and take and share these days!

  2. VWB-
    Excellent point! As a librarian I will have to be a lifelong learner, and some of that learning may come from the youngest people :-)
